Duties of Vice Presidents

  • Act in the absence of the President,
  • Learn duties of the President and keep informed on key issues, 
  • Act as a signing officer for cheques and other documents,
  • Chair a major committee, 
  • Develop, update and incorporate recommended changes from the Board to the terms of reference and mandate of the committee, 
  • Recruit an appropriate number of committee members to carry out the mandate, 
  • Orient members to the committee’s mandate and position in the organization, 
  • Call committee meetings and develop agendas with the input of the members,  
  • Chair committee meetings and report the committee’s progress to the Board,
  • Keep discussion on topic by summarizing issues,  
  • Guide the committee through its meetings to fulfill the committee’s purpose, 
  • Recognize each member’s contribution to the committee’s work, 
  • Delegate appropriate tasks to individual committee members, 
  • Submit recommendations to the Board for approval, 
  • Plan and evaluate the committee’s work with the help of the members, 
  • Ensure meeting minutes and other relevant information are recorded and filed.